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发表时间:2023-05-25 12:15:08 来源:博客园

react-flow是一个用于构建基于节点的应用程序的库。这些可以是简单的静态图或复杂的基于节点的编辑器。同时react-flow支持自定义节点类型和边线类型,并且它附带一些组件,可以查看缩略图的Mini Map和悬浮控制器Controls.


npm install react-flow-renderer    # npm  yarn add react-flow-renderer       # Yarn

1、每个节点固定格式 里面添加内容



import React from "react";import ReactFlow, {  addEdge,  MiniMap,  Controls,  Background,  useNodesState,  useEdgesState,} from "react-flow-renderer";import { nodes as initialNodes, edges as initialEdges } from "./initial-elements";const OverviewFlow = () => {  const [nodes, setNodes, onNodesChange] = useNodesState(initialNodes);  const [edges, setEdges, onEdgesChange] = useEdgesState(initialEdges);  const onConnect = (params) => setEdges((eds) => addEdge(params, eds));  return (          // 背景图 可以配置颜色 方格宽度            );};export default OverviewFlow;


import { MarkerType } from "react-flow-renderer";export const nodes = [  {    id: "1", // id必须    type: "input", // 类型: input开始  default默认  output结束 区别在于连接点不一样    data: { // 额外的数据      label: ( // 节点名称        <>          Welcome to React Flow!              ),      // value: 5, .... // 可以将其他数据放入    },    position: { x: 250, y: 0 }, // 节点位置  },  {    id: "2",    data: {      label: (        <>          This is a default node              ),    },    position: { x: 100, y: 100 },  },  {    id: "3",    data: {      label: (        <>          This one has a custom style              ),    },    position: { x: 400, y: 100 },    style: {      background: "#D6D5E6",      color: "#333",      border: "1px solid #222138",      width: 180,    },  },  {    id: "4",    position: { x: 250, y: 200 },    data: {      label: "Another default node",    },  },  {    id: "5",    data: {      label: "Node id: 5",    },    position: { x: 250, y: 325 },  },  {    id: "6",    type: "output",    data: {      label: (        <>          An output node              ),    },    position: { x: 100, y: 480 },  },  {    id: "7",    type: "output",    data: { label: "Another output node" },    position: { x: 400, y: 450 },  },];export const edges = [  { id: "e1-2", source: "1", target: "2", label: "this is an edge label" },  { id: "e1-3", source: "1", target: "3" },  {    id: "e3-4", // id必须    source: "3", // 连接线起始节点id    target: "4", // 连接线结束节点id    animated: true, // 连接线是否有动画    label: "animated edge", // 连接线名称  },  {    id: "e4-5",    source: "4",    target: "5",    label: "edge with arrow head",    markerEnd: { // 连接线尾部的箭头      type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed,    },  },  {    id: "e5-6",    source: "5",    target: "6",    type: "smoothstep", // 连接线类型 default straight step smoothstep    label: "smooth step edge",  },  {    id: "e5-7",    source: "5",    target: "7",    type: "step",    style: { stroke: "#f6ab6c" }, // 连接线颜色    label: "a step edge",    animated: true,    labelStyle: { fill: "#f6ab6c", fontWeight: 700 }, // 连接线名称样式  },];


2、自定义每个节点中的内容和样式 以及连接点

这个是静态的 展示流程图 想拖动节点 加上1里面的onNodesChange... 的参数即可


import React, {useEffect} from "react";import ReactFlow, {    useNodesState,    useEdgesState,} from "react-flow-renderer";import {nodes as initialNodes, edges as initialEdges} from "./initial-elements";import CustomNode from "./ResizableNode"; //自定义的渲染每个节点的代码const nodeTypes = {    custom: CustomNode, //自定义的内容};const OverviewFlow = ({resizeFlag}: any) => {    const [nodes, setNodes] = useNodesState(initialNodes);    const [edges] = useEdgesState(initialEdges);    useEffect(() => {        setNodes([]);        setTimeout(() => {            setNodes(initialNodes);        }, 50);    }, [resizeFlag]);    if (!nodes?.length) {        return null;    }    return (        
>            {/*  */}            );};export default OverviewFlow;


import {MarkerType, Position} from "react-flow-renderer";const styles = {    color: "#333",    border: "1px solid #4E8FF0",    borderRadius: "5px",    background: "white",};//因为数据太多删除了几个 不过格式都是这样写export const nodes = [    {        id: "0",         type: "custom",//有input,output,default三种,input只有一个输出,output只有一个输入,default输入输出各有一个 或者自定义的        data: {            label: "",        },        position: {x: -20, y: 40}, // 节点位置        style: {            width: 1550,            height: 500,            border: "1px solid #91caff",            borderRadius: "15px",            color: "#4585F2",            background: "#E2E6F3",            zIndex: -2,        },    },    {        id: "1", // id必须        type: "custom", // 类型: input开始  default默认  output结束 区别在于连接点不一样        data: { // 额外的数据            label:                "任务1",            // value: 1 // .... // 可以将其他数据放入        },        position: {x: 200, y: 70}, // 节点位置        style: {            width: 200,            height: 150,            ...styles,        },    },    {        id: "2",        type: "custom",        data: {            label: "任务2",        },        position: {x: 450, y: 70},        style: {            width: 200,            height: 150,        },    },    {        id: "3",        type: "custom",        data: {            label: (                "任务3"            ),        },        position: {x: 700, y: 70},        style: {            width: 200,            height: 150,            ...styles,        },    }];export const edges = [    {        id: "1-2",        source: "1",        target: "2",        markerEnd: { // 连接线尾部的箭头            type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed,            color: "#4E8FF0",        },        style: {stroke: "#4E8FF0"}, // 连接线颜色        labelStyle: {fill: "#4E8FF0", fontWeight: 700}, // 连接线名称样式    },    {        id: "2-3", // id必须        source: "2", // 连接线起始节点id        target: "3", // 连接线结束节点id        markerEnd: { // 连接线尾部的箭头            type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed,            color: "#4E8FF0",        },        style: {stroke: "#4E8FF0"}, // 连接线颜色        labelStyle: {fill: "#4E8FF0", fontWeight: 700}, // 连接线名称样式    },    {        id: "3-4",        source: "3",        target: "4",        style: {stroke: "#4E8FF0"}, // 连接线颜色        labelStyle: {fill: "#4E8FF0", fontWeight: 700}, // 连接线名称样式        markerEnd: { // 连接线尾部的箭头            type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed,            color: "#4E8FF0",        },    }];
import React, {memo} from "react";import {Handle, Position} from "react-flow-renderer";import className from "./home.module.scss";import newTask from "@/static/newTask.png";import Operator from "@/static/OperatorConfig.png";import DeployTask from "@/static/DeploymentTask.png";import TaskReview from "@/static/TaskReview.png";import TaskLaunch from "@/static/TaskLaunch.png";import {Button} from "antd";const datadevelopment = [    {        id: "0",    },    {        src: newTask,        id: "1",        button: "快速开始",        url: "",        width: "50px",        height: "50px",    },    {        src: Operator,        id: "11",        button: "配置说明",        link: "",        width: "45px",        height: "45px",    },    {        src: DeployTask,        id: "3",        title: "任务基本信息",        width: "55px",        height: "55px",    },];export default memo(({data, id, isConnectable}: any) => {    // console.log(1, data);    const position = (sum: any) => {        switch (sum) {            case "6":                return Position.Right;            case "9":                return Position.Top;            default:                return Position.Left;        }    };    const pageButton = (item: any) => {        if (item.link) {            return (                            );        } else {            return (                            );        }    };    return (        
{ datadevelopment.filter((item: any) => { return item.id === id; }).map((item: any) => { return ( +item.id < 12 ?
{item.src ? : null}


{item.button ? pageButton(item) : {item.title}}
{ item.order ?


: null }


{ item.button ? pageButton(item) : null }
); }) }


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